Davis 6332 Transmitter Wireless

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Davis 6332 Transmitter Wireless

Post by dmgould » Fri Jun 28, 2019 4:33 pm

I'm posting this just for information in case this happens to you. My anemometer is separated from my Davis ISS, and it is sending to my console using its own 6332 transmitter. I had it and my anemometer mounted on a pole above the peak of my roof. During a recent thunderstorm I noticed wind data stopped being transmitted to my console. Testing revealed the 6332 transmitter was not working at all.

I ordered a new transmitter which is now mounted down at ground level 30 feet below the anemometer. I contacted Davis about repairing the bad unit. They suggested I remove the battery, unplug the solar panel, and just leave the transmitter to completely discharge the capacitor for a day or two. It took two days for the power to dissipate. When I powered it back up it immediately started working normally again. Davis support said this 'reset' sometimes fixes the transmitter.

If this happens to you try this 'power reset' before you invest in another transmitter.
Dave G

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