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Meteobridge Update

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:39 am
Just so ya know Meteobridge got an update. Pretty nice one I might add.
released August 16, 2020

2rowtabs.pngintroduces a new navigation schema for Meteobridge admin web interface. As the content on some tabs has grown over the past the pages were getting longer and longer so that a lot of scrolling was needed. We now changed to a 2-row tab approach, where the content of a tab is divided into "sub tabs" where appropriate. This should make navigation more convenient and also gives room for more features in the future. Color schema is not the best in the world, but I think it is not too much pain in the eyes. Please do a "shift reload" with your browser to empty its cache on CCS and background GIFs. When you face any quirks regarding the new GUI, please report in the forum.