Ambient WS-5000 Direct to Meteotemplate

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Posts: 167
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:00 pm
Location: Fort Myers
Station model: WS-5000/GW1100
Software: ECOWITT Plugin

Ambient WS-5000 Direct to Meteotemplate

Post by spd2612 » Tue Jul 11, 2023 7:43 pm

I have a WS-5000 connected to Meteotemplate via a Ecowitt GW1100 and a ecowitt plugin made for the meteotemplate web site.
It does work this way updating with my extra sensor's to MYSQL and the page every 16 seconds, however the WS-5000 console has the ability to upload to a path just like the GW1100 does but its in Ambient protocal. The GW 1100 Is much slower upload then the WS-5000, the WS-5000 updates the console every 3 to 4 seconds which is what I would like to get to on the website, Just makes sence with having the Ultrasonic Anemometer.
I tried just taking the GW1100 out and putting the same path in the WS-5000 console, I was pretty sure that would not work the WS-5000 console is Ambient Protocal (did not work)
I think the index.php and API.php probably is not compatible
I am not a programmer just thinking with Ambient Weather Stations as popular as they are in the US it just seems countrproductive to use workaround solutions that are not optimum
Not to mention elimanating one piece of hardware (GW1100)
Has anyone dove into this???

Ambient Weather WS-5000
Ultrasonic Anemometer
Thermo-Hygrometer Sensor WH31E
Soil Moisture Sensor WH31SM
Lightning Detection WH31L

Posts: 167
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:00 pm
Location: Fort Myers
Station model: WS-5000/GW1100
Software: ECOWITT Plugin

Re: Ambient WS-5000 Direct to Meteotemplate

Post by spd2612 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:24 pm

Well many thanks to olicat and Gyvate at for pointing out to me that the FOSHKplugin can shorten those update time.s I am still using the GW1000 thru the Ecowitt plugin however With FOSHKplugin I have my webpage updating every 6 seconds instead of 16

Ambient Weather WS-5000
Ultrasonic Anemometer
Thermo-Hygrometer Sensor WH31E
Soil Moisture Sensor WH31SM
Lightning Detection WH31L

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