Extended Graphs

This plugin shows an interactive graph of daily, monthly or annual data (average, max or min) where you can choose different parameters, time spans and also shows statistics for the current view.

Main features


This plugin allows you to view various parameters. First you choose the actual parameter - temperature, humidity, pressure etc. By default the values correspond to daily grouped data, where you can also choose, if you want daily average, daily max or daily min. On the page you can then change this to monthly data or annual data.

Slider below the graph allows you to quickly move in time.

Right below the graph you will see summary statistics that correspond to your current view as well as sortable data table of all currently displayed values. These will change in realtime as you change the view or time span.

Below the graph is a little panel where you can change graph type (spline, line, area, column etc.), enable/disable data markers, labels or use different colors for temperatures below freezing point.

There is also the same graph with two parameters, where you can also set colors and compare any parameter you want.

Three parameter graph allows you to visualize three parameters at a time using an interactive bubble chart.


Note: You might be wondering why the shortest possible interval used is daily data. The reason for that is because using hourly data would already cause problems for some. The amount of data that is in such case necessary to load, would exceed the memory limit for PHP set on some servers. If you need more detailed graphs, use the standard graphs page as part of the main template.

Version history

1.0 - Dec 31, 2015 2.0 - Jan 6, 2016 3.0 - Jul 9, 2017 4.0 - Jul 10, 2017 5.0 - Aug 13, 2017