Tide Heights + plugin update

Tide Heights + plugin update

Hi guys,

I hope you are enjoying the weekend.

Tide Heights

Several of you have asked for some kind of a plugin to display high tide and low tide times. The main problem was data source. NWS does not provide data that would be possible to download in bulk by a script and I really wanted to avoid HTML scraping, not to mention this would only work for the US anyway, other APIs that I found were great in terms of the ease of getting the info, but unfortunately the data itself was completely off.

I have therefore been looking for other ways and I found one source, which looked really good. I contacted the developers and have been granted permission for Meteotemplate users to use this (but please make sure you use the caching option in the settings, ideally set to 24 hours, the times do not change more often anyway).

So finally I was able to make this plugin. It shows you the local times for high and low tides, the corresponding heights, as well as times of sunrise, sunset and current time.

Information is visualized using a graph and a table.

Info/download: http://www.meteotemplate.com/web/plugins/tides.php
DEMO: http://www.meteotemplate.com/template/plugins/tides/index.php

ISS Tracker

I have also discovered a mistake I made in the ISS tracker plugin, the distance and pass times were not correctly calculated, which should hopefully now be fixed, simply download the new version 1.1 and since there is no set up necesary, simply replace the original file with the new one.

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